Wednesday, April 27, 2011


We go to the fast food restaurants and eat food but we never think about  where it come from.The meatrix is

a movie which tells us about where meat comes from.New technology comes.They make factory farms here

 all animals are closely packed together.They don't get sunlight and fresh air .These conditions causes

diseases amongst animals.They give antibiotics to the animals to protect from diseases.Factory farmers

become cruel towards animals.They just think about money.Factory farms have meat packing

plant .Sometimes workers get injured due to fast meat packing.
                                                        In dairy farming the animals are living in dirty places.The tails are cut

off.they inject the artifical growth hormones injections to the animals.Their calves don't get their mothers

milk.I am not agree with factory farming.their technology is fast but the food products are not good for

 health.So we have to eat food free from any chemicals.
                                               In my conclusion,family farming is better .i know is slow process but the

food products are free from any chemicals.People should stop buying factory farm products.they should buy

organic food products.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with your blog, that all animals are closely packed together and they don't get sunlight and fresh air. These conditions will causes disease amongst animals. You need to work more on your reflection.

  3. this is good, but the only thing you miss is you don't put introduction and the conclusion. so, if you put these two that will be good. also, you only write about you opinion. I think you opinion is good. so, I strongly agree with you.

  4. Hello, I'm a guest of your blog :) It's nice to see you on here! Well, your post is nice! There is good summary and reflection of the Meatrix. It is right that we should stop buying the products of factory farm. Do you buy organic food usually? I just wonder it! Okay, it was nice to read your post. Thanks for sharing your idea!

  5. This is very good blog. It was nice to read your post.

  6. i greed that is cruel to pack the animals together in a cages because they could get sick what do you think the government abou the packed of animals?

  7. If you did not watch some documentaries about factory farms yet, I recommend you to see it. Although we just saw themeatrix animation about factory farms in class, it is enough to make us disgusting. That is not all. ;)

  8. Thai is true, food products from family farms are much better than factory farms. We should choose family farms as much as possible because they are healthy and we can reduce factory farms.

  9. Hi, I am from Dr Smith's class, you need to work on the introduction of your essay, a thesis statement. Be careful with your grammar.

  10. I like your idea about factory farms just think about money. it is true they do not care about how they affect our communities and how bad environment the animals have.

  11. The idea is good,but how you can get the organic food.They tag on the food is organic but it is too rarely in the living world and also selling the price is too expensive. You have to plant and bear the animal by yourself.

  12. I agree with your idea that the products from factory farming affect people's health. the writing was easy to understand but I think that if there were more specific evidences, it would be better.
